• Black, something-Water and the Island2

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Lee_In, Title : Emotion : Black, something-Water and the Island2 This work expresses Dokdo as blacksomething. Each canvas makes up a certain space,…
  • Polaris

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Kwon_Youngsul, Title : Emotion : Polaris Kwon Young-sul understands objectivity of matière in his own self-regulating ways and then reflects his subjectivity in…
  • Dream of the butterfly

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Kwon_Youngsul, Title : Emotion : Dream of the butterfly Kwon Young-sul understands objectivity of matière in his own self-regulating ways and then reflects…
  • Palette, something-동백(적)

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Lee_In, Title : Emotion : Palette, something-동백(적) 동백은 하늘과 땅 그리고 바다 사이에서 붉은 풍경을 만들고 있다.  동백은 허공에 매달려 있거나 땅 위에 떨어져 있거나 했고 작은 바람에도 꽃잎은 하늘을 날고 있다. 동백의 알싸한 냄새는 코끝의 신경을 자극했고 꽃잎의 시큼한 맛은 묵은 김치에 올린 홍어 한 점을 떠 올리게 한다. 다 초점 안경 너머 본 한 무더기 동백의 핏빛 붉음은 한바탕 난장 후의 흥건함도 닮아 있다. 결국 동백은 켜켜이 쌓아 온 깊고 깊은 정한을 들추어내고 있다.
  • Palette, something-동백(청)

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Lee_In, Title : Emotion : Palette, something-동백(청) 동백은 하늘과 땅 그리고 바다 사이에서 붉은 풍경을 만들고 있다.  동백은 허공에 매달려 있거나 땅 위에 떨어져 있거나 했고 작은 바람에도 꽃잎은 하늘을 날고 있다. 동백의 알싸한 냄새는 코끝의 신경을 자극했고 꽃잎의 시큼한 맛은 묵은 김치에 올린 홍어 한 점을 떠 올리게 한다. 다 초점 안경 너머 본 한 무더기 동백의 핏빛 붉음은 한바탕 난장 후의 흥건함도 닮아 있다. 결국 동백은 켜켜이 쌓아 온 깊고 깊은 정한을 들추어내고 있다.
  • Flower Shadow

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Moon_seonmee, Title : Emotion : Flower Shadow The works of Moon Sun-mi, which often revolve around the theme of marriage. Marriage is symbolized…
  • I see you

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    Created by Moon_seonmee, Title : Emotion : I see you Moon Seonmee visualizes maximization of feelings that people come across in their everyday lives with…
  • New Moment L02

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Kim_Jihea, Title : Emotion : New Moment L02 The artist characterizes space and time in segmentation, flow, and repetition, which are expressed in…
  • City Space L05

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Kim_Jihea, Title : Emotion : City Space L05 This creates “a creative relationship that moves forward” where ‘stop’ and ‘pause’ are not always…