• Aura of the Stars

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by MIDASANG, Title : MASERATI 우리들은 어렸을 때 많은 꿈과 욕심이 있었다. 드림카, 드림하우스 등등을 생각하며 나는 꼭 성공하리라 라는 생각을 하고 나도 그런…
  • Aura of the Stars

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Man-Kha27, Title : Renaissance The Renaissance emanates from within, a shedding of errors, making way for a life adorned with lighter baggage. It…
  • Aurora Borealis: Symphony of Colors

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by ChangHeeRyeok, Title : The Crocodile World  
  • Aurora Borealis: Symphony of Colors

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by buhulama, Title : Colorful Woman symbolizes a woman who is enthusiastic about her life, the horns symbolize hope so that she can conquer…
  • Aurora Borealis: Symphony of Colors

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Lee_In, Title : Emotion : Black, something-Water and the Island2 This work expresses Dokdo as blacksomething. Each canvas makes up a certain space,…
  • Aurora Borealis: Symphony of Colors

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by QlStuffLimited, Title : Hope rebel part three We are rebels by nature, so we treat hope as a rebellion against those who say,…
  • Black, something-Water and the Island1

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Lee_In, Title : Emotion : Black, something-Water and the Island1 This work expresses Dokdo as blacksomething. Each canvas makes up a certain space,…
  • Black, something-Water and the Island2

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Lee_In, Title : Emotion : Black, something-Water and the Island2 This work expresses Dokdo as blacksomething. Each canvas makes up a certain space,…
  • Blind to think

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Seong_Byunghee, Title : Blind to think This work awakens the horror within to free oneself from inner fears. Expressing hatred and rage of…