• Twilight Embrace of Solitude

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by ART_Garden, Title : 2R2 concept poster 2R2 concept poster
  • Whispering Echoes of Infinity

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Vasiawow, Title : "Ephemeral Constellations" This artwork conveys the delicate and transient nature of freckles, drawing a parallel to the fleeting beauty of…
  • Aurora Borealis: Symphony of Colors

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by buhulama, Title : Colorful Woman symbolizes a woman who is enthusiastic about her life, the horns symbolize hope so that she can conquer…
  • Echoes of Ancient Whispers

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Clemantis, Title : Spectrum of Aspirations "Spectrum of Aspirations" is a digital artwork that embodies the theme of 'hope and wonder'. The piece…
  • Enigma of the Cosmic Labyrinth

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by UiD_Section, Title : ehRoql : Immersed Night   이 공간은 모두인데 모두가 아닌 것이 있다. #SectionUiD Emotion Graphic_22.04.24 · Collection : Inside Universe…
  • Reverie of Forgotten Dreams

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by cloud9company, Title : 魚變成龍圖[어변성룡도]   물고기가 물살을 뛰어 올라 용으로 변한다는 등용문(登龍門)의 고사를 그린 그림이다. 중국 고사에 원천을 둔 이야기로 큰 물고기가 물살이…
  • Secret Symphony of the Stars

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by cloud9company, Title : 牡丹圖[모란도]   모란은 고대부터 화조화와 장식화의 소재로 애호되었다. 문헌기록에 따르면 모란도는 삼국시대부터 그려진 것으로 보이나 현재 전하는 작품은 대부분 조선시대…
  • Whispers of the Soul’s Journey

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by Man-Kha27, Title : Renaissance The Renaissance emanates from within, a shedding of errors, making way for a life adorned with lighter baggage. It…
  • Harmonic Dance of Nature’s Spirits

    Warning: array_merge(): Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given in /www_root/wp-content/plugins/tiktok-for-business/pixel/Tt4b_Pixel_Class.php on line 845
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    Created by UiD_Section, Title : Emotion : 추위 There was some snow in Korea yesterday. The wind is getting colder. Clothes must be fastened tightly.…