Ethereal Harmony of the Universe

Created by Kwon_Youngsul, Title : Emotion : Polaris

Kwon Young-sul understands objectivity of matière in his own self-regulating ways and then reflects his subjectivity in his innumerous collage works that fully incorporate arbitrary mixture of shapes and colors. Using various techniques such as shedding, smearing, and scratching, the artist effectively blurs the boundaries between figurative and non-figurative. #NFTart #dancing #green #physical-based #animated
카테고리: 태그: ,
Kwon Young-sul understands objectivity of matière in his own self-regulating ways and then reflects his subjectivity in his innumerous collage works that fully incorporate arbitrary mixture of shapes and colors. Using various techniques such as shedding, smearing, and scratching, the artist effectively blurs the boundaries between figurative and non-figurative. #NFTart #dancing #green #physical-based #animated

Unknown Artist


