Enigmatic Voyage of the Imagination

Created by bluugu, Title : WHO AM I ?

I’m Korean Australian. I belong to two countries, but I don’t at the same time. ‘Who Am I?’ express my life as an alien by portraying myself wearing a spacesuit seeking an answer. Being questioned all the time by people from both countries, by portraying Koala wearing a Korean traditional mask. Cave expresses an old mindset yet highly developed world presenting all age are discriminating people like me.Again, Who Am I?
카테고리: 태그: ,

I’m Korean Australian. I belong to two countries, but I don’t at the same time. ‘Who Am I?’ express my life as an alien by portraying myself wearing a spacesuit seeking an answer. Being questioned all the time by people from both countries, by portraying Koala wearing a Korean traditional mask. Cave expresses an old mindset yet highly developed world presenting all age are discriminating people like me.Again, Who Am I?


Unknown Artist



