Legends Of The Balkan Forest

Created by SiriTeloiv, Title : Legends Of The Balkan Forest

This animation “Legends Of The Balkan Forest” will be exhibited in seoul , Selected by 2r2io as part of the 2R2 Art Contest on the theme of nature. These forests, full of mystery and legends, where I love to hike, wander, dream, discover nature and pick delicious mushrooms, sharpen my love of nature and my creativity.
카테고리: , 태그: ,

This animation “Legends Of The Balkan Forest” will be exhibited in seoul , Selected by 2r2io as part of the 2R2 Art Contest on the theme of nature. These forests, full of mystery and legends, where I love to hike, wander, dream, discover nature and pick delicious mushrooms, sharpen my love of nature and my creativity.






Green, Orange